Friday, January 27, 2012

Trail Rider's Breakfast at school

Cohen and a friend going down the big-kid slide at school! (Looks like someone's excited!)

Handsome, shaggy dude!

Here he goes again!

Fun stuff!

Digging for "gold" with Daddy and some friends!

"I think this is a two-shovel kind of job!"

Heading over to make a macaroni necklace!

Daddy helping Cohen string the macaroni onto his yarn.

Cohen helping, too!

As our school's way to kick off rodeo season here in San Antonio, we celebrate with a "cowboy" breakfast, of sorts. This morning was a lot of fun, and Will even got to come to hang out with Cohen and his class. I got to leave my class for a little bit - long enough to come and take some pictures! Cohen had a lot of fun, even though all he really wanted to do was climb up the stairs, slide, repeat... Such a big boy!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Out of order, but still good pics...

Cohen playing at the park - learning how to go down the slide all by himself!

The Kent family starting 2012 off right!

Cohen's first lollipop = total mess!

When I see this picture of my child combing his hair with his fork, I can't help but think of The Little Mermaid, when Scuttle (the seagull) calls her fork a "dinglehopper!" Haha!

Silly randomness! (out of order because these were taken in late December/early January)

Long overdue...

Day one of what has now turned into a three-week something-or-other for poor Cohen. First croup, then RSV, and now an ear infection...hopefully we're on our way to well!

But life's always better having a snack and some Elmo in Mom and Daddy's bed!

Trying to make being stuck at home fun - Daddy made Cohen (and Clyde) a fort!

Having some fun playing his drum!

Aaaaand this is one of those photographs where I think to myself, "Why didn't I move the laundry and shopping bag out of the background FIRST?!" Oh's still a great shot of Cohen! Such a sweet smile!

Cohen (and Mom) have been a little under the weather for about three weeks now. It's all the stinkin' Mountain Cedar in the air. Needless to say, we will both be VERY glad for Spring! In the meantime, enjoy some pics of that growing boy! :)