Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ice! at the Gaylord Texan

Cohen enjoying some breakfast at the hotel before we went to see Ice! at the Gaylord Texan!

Mmm...hungry boy ate a "cupcake" (banana muffin) after he had already eaten everything on his plate!

And this is when it all began - the grumpiest Cohen we've ever seen...I don't know if he was just cold or if he was starting to not feel very well (he got sick that night)...

...but at least we got one good family picture!

Mom and grump - I mean Cohen!

This one is pitiful - all we wanted was a picture of the boys with Cohen and he wouldn't have it, so I just reached my arm in and held him there while Will snapped the picture. This pretty much sums up our trip with him that day!
UNTIL we saw Santa Claus! He was SO excited to see Santa this year (remember last year's picture?!). He told him all about what he wanted for Christmas and was so sweet! We were so glad that he actually sat with Santa and posed for a picture this year! My how a year can change things!

For Thanksgiving, we went to see Melinda and the boys in DFW and had a great time. The next day, we went to the Gaylord Texan to see Ice! - their carved ice show that they put on every year. This year's theme was Merry Madagascar and Cohen LOVES that series of movies, so we thought he'd love to see this, for sure! Boy, were we wrong! He was a grump the whole time, wouldn't walk on his own, insisted that I carry him the entire time and was an all-around stinker! He perked up a bit when we saw Santa Claus, but shortly after that, he started feeling really bad! Needless to say, we packed up and went home that night, just to pull into the driveway with a 102+ fever. Yikes! We're finally over that now (yes, it took two and a half weeks), but we're ready for Christmas! :)

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