Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fun at home with Mommy!

Hi, everybody! Just a post to show how much I love to lay on the floor and listen to the music on my play-gym! Also, the big orange flower in the middle has a mirror on it, and I really like to flirt with myself in the mirror! Check out my monkey shoes...aren't they cool?!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Finally in San Antonio!

Hanging out in my swing...thank goodness for that monkey WubbaNub...Mom says it's a lifesaver!Here's me and Mommy visiting Grammy at her office.
Cool faux-hawk...thanks, Grammy!
Out cold...
And again, out cold, but this time hanging with my PePaw!
Me and tired from moving and unpacking, and yes, that is the coffee table on the couch.
A close-up...boy am I tired!
My first official bath - in the bathtub at Grammy and PePaw's house!
Getting my face washed.
Hey, this isn't too bad!
Snug as a bug in a rug!
Sitting in my bumbo seat...ready for the big game! (Too bad they lost...)

Well, it's official, we're finally in San Antonio. We sure enjoyed staying with Grammy and Pepaw for the past few weeks, but we're so glad to be back together as a family. Mommy and Daddy are slowly getting our apartment put together, and although it's a lot smaller than our house in Venus, it's going to be just right for us for the next year or so. I'm getting bigger, that's for sure. I'm even wearing 3 mos. clothes now! On Tuesday at the pediatrician (at 5 weeks of age), I weighed 9 lbs. 15 oz. - what a big boy! Stay tuned for more!