Thursday, July 28, 2011

We finally have teeth!!

Okay, everybody...please excuse the rice cracker in his mouth - it was the best chance of me getting a picture of those teeth!


"I'm going to get that camera...someday!"

And another pic of those pearly whites!

This one's for you, Mimmy...I finally fit in my cool shoes!

Testing 'em out around the house!

And this one's for you, Grammy...I love my little shark! I've been carrying him around all day today!

Whew, well it took us 11+ months, but now Cohen's got some teeth! He has one of the two top middle all the way in, one bottom middle about half-way there, and the second top middle coming in at third place! I haven't blogged in quite a while, so here's a Cohen update: he's walking everywhere and getting into EVERYthing! We've had to put two gates up in our house to keep him out of the kitchen - because he's just about tall enough to touch the top of the stove when we're cooking - not to mention he thinks it's fun to get into mommy's "breakables." He and Clyde have become the best of friends! He loves to read, and I don't exaggerate in the least when I say he LOVES to read. Lately his favorite books are "Peek-A-Who?" and the "That's Not My..." collection (we have "That's Not My Bear", "...Dinosaur", and "...Dragon" and he reads them all the time!) We're quickly planning his first birthday party, and can't believe it's been a whole year since he was born - my how time flies! Love to all!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fun at the zoo...again!

Literally 30 seconds before I snapped this picture, Will said, "It's okay if he gets my sunglasses, they're on their last leg anyway!" They sure are now, Daddy - in two pieces!

We were at the zoo early enough to get to see the hippos come into their "pool" after they had their breakfast!

Cohen showing Daddy the hippos!

I like this one - "Mommy, are you getting all this?!"

Watching them jump in to cool down!

Cohen and Mommy!

The whole family, thanks to Will's prop-the-camera-anywhere-I-can technique!

We got up really early on Saturday morning and headed out to the SA Zoo! Since we're members, we got to get in before everyone else, and it was really nice - almost like we had the place to ourselves. Afterwards, we went on a nice morning nature hike. We got our workout while Cohen got a nap! Good times all around! :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summertime fun!

Cohen decided he needed his "wubba" even though it wasn't nap-time!

Daddy and Cohen at the 4th of July parade in Schertz!

The whole fam...we couldn't get one with Cohen's eyes open or looking at the camera.

Trying to figure out how to get his puffs out of the container! Hungry guy!

Cohen and Grammy getting ready to watch the parade!

Tired Daddy and sleeping Cohen - Daddy had to push Cohen in the stroller for about 30 minutes to get him to calm down and fall asleep.

Sweet sleeping boy!

I love this - it looks like Cohen is saying "What did I miss, Dad?"

Mmmm...blueberries! Enjoying an afternoon snack!

We had a great 4th of July weekend! We hope everyone else did, too! :)