Friday, April 27, 2012

Cohen's first trip to Sea World

At the gate ready to get in...not a very patient waiter!

Feeding the dolphins!

When they would come out of the water like this with their mouths open, Cohen was a little scared of them!


I'm certain he was probably saying "no" when Will was trying to take this picture...he was kind of a grump today!

Heading to see the Sea Lion show!

Will said, "Smile, Cohen." Cohen said, "Nooooo!"

He smiled this time, just not at the camera!

 The One Ocean Shamu show!

He thought it was so funny when Shamu would splash the crowd!

Sitting with Daddy!

Starting to lose some steam...

Trying to stay cool in the penguin exhibit.

After it was all said and done, we hit the souvenir shack. Cohen picked out this really scary looking rubber shark. He kept saying "Shark. Chomp chomp."

Asleep before we even got out of the parking lot...sweet guy!

Cohen's first trip to Sea World was a ton of fun! He was kind of grumpy at the beginning, but he seemed to perk up - especially during the Shamu show. He had fun feeding the dolphins and sea lions, but boy was he tuckered out by the end of the day! Can't wait to do it again! :)

Random cuteness!

Trying on Daddy's boots!

And now checkin' out Daddy's dress shoes!

Pretty Muppet

Cohen getting her ball to throw for the millionth time!

Tired guys (and a Muppet, too!)

Will and I were cleaning out our closet the other day and Cohen took all but three pairs of Will's shoes out of the closet and, I think, wore them all at least once! Silly guy!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Hanging out with Mom after school!

Parent teacher conferences are coming up soon, so I stayed after school for a couple of minutes to get some work done...

...Cohen just lounged in the "Library Center!"

My little bookworm! This is before school one day. Thanks to my wonderful teaching assistant for taking all these great shots! :)

This one is from much earlier in the year - Lisa was walking down the hall and happened to capture this picture for me. This is Ms. Lauren (one of C's teachers) reading a big book to some friends and him - all while Cohen reads his own book! Cute!

Visit with Papa!

Papa and Cohen playing a game that Papa created! Silly stuff!

He told Cohen to lay "real still" and he was going to stack all these blocks on top of him...

...and "when I count to three, you have to burst out of the blocks and raise your hands and feet up to the ceiling!" Cohen kind of did it (while Clyde watched on)!

And then they did a little laying in the floor together...

...having very important conversations!

My dad (who we originally started calling PePaw - but now Cohen can talk and he insists on calling him Papa) came to see Cohen last weekend. They had a great time playing and being silly together!