Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cohen's first family fishing trip!

Mimmy and Cohen walking to the lake!

Mimmy and her boys!

Will helping the boys get all set up to start fishing!

Mimmy and Cohen feeding the duck that kept hanging around!

Jeffery talking to Cohen about fishing!

Mmm...lunch time!

Will got a fish on his line, so he let Cohen reel it in... put up a great fight! It felt like a big one!

There it is - all three inches of him!

Jaxson helping by getting him off the hook.

Cohen touching his catch!

Jaxson's first fish of the day...

My second fish! What a big one!

Jaxson with the trophy fish of the day!

The three boys! Cute!

We took Cohen and the boys to Mineral Wells State Park over Memorial Day weekend to go fishing. It was a lot of fun! Will and Jaxson probably caught 10 fish between them - all perch, but it the experience of it all was well worth it! :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A little catching up to do...

Mommy and Cohen in our new TOMS! Mommy got hers for Mother's Day - and they say MOMSTOMS! :)

Will just happened to pick up the camera the other morning to put it away and the following few pictures are what our child thinks he's supposed to do when someone has a camera. He kept saying, "cheese." Ha!

What a HAM!!

Our big boy likes to help feed Muppet in the evenings. This is the result of her getting overly excited and him dropping her bowl all over the dining room floor...

I like this one - it looks like he's contemplating whether he should pick them all up one by one or not...

He was saying, "uh-oh" in this one because he was stepping on the kibbles.

Mustache ridiculousness...

...times two! My mustachioed men! Bahaha!!

And you can't forget Mustachioed Mama!

Just a few silly pics I had just "layin'" around! Fun! :)