Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween 2012

Cohen and Daddy getting ready to do their pumpkins!

Cohen making his Captain America pumpkin!

So proud!

My two loves!

Halloween 2012 - "scary T-Rex!"

Cohen and Mommy getting ready to go trick-or-treating!

Mommy was saying, "Okay, ready to go back to the house?" and Cohen was saying, "No...more!"

Well, we had an interesting Halloween week, that's for sure! Between Will slamming his finger in the door and nearly cutting it off, me either catching the stomach-bug of a lifetime or getting food poisoning from bad carrots, and Cohen having (yet another) unexplainable fever Wednesday-Friday, we were a sad lot! We did let him go trick-or-treating up and down our block one time on Wednesday night (because when I told him we weren't going to go he was so genuinely sad it broke my heart). He had a fun time, and then came back home for another dose of Tylenol and an early bedtime, poor baby! Needless to say, as of the writing of this blog, we're all feeling mostly better (except Will, of course...his finger is still healing).