Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fun time at our Halloween party!

Trying to figure out the tire swing...

Daddy helping Cohen climb up the climbing wall!

Figuring it out...

The first attempt at a family pic - Waldo's eyes were closed!

Again at the tire swing - he never quite figured it out!

Trey and Cohen getting those balloons!

Cohen's first attempt bouncing in a bounce-house!

A face-plant into the "wall."

Turned around and trying again!

It's fun stuff - even with the big kids!

He was loving it!

Caught with a funny look on his face!

Taking a break from bouncing to swing a little...

And now, back in the bounce - house...this time with friends his size!

Cohen, Sebastian, and Fiona!

Here comes Ellie, too!

Cohen pushing Ellie down...uh-oh!

Another attempt on our front porch of the Where's Waldo family - Waldo, Wenda, and Waldo, Jr.! Happy Halloween!

We had a great time at our friend's house for Cohen's first Halloween party. Cohen had lots of fun playing with the balls with his buddy Trey, swinging in Ellie's swing and bouncing in the bounce-house! We had silly costumes, but we sure had a great time! :) Happy Halloween everybody!

**Video disclaimer: I did not have our video camera - instead, I was using our regular camera to capture video, so it's not great, but it's fun to watch him having fun!**

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cohen's first week of school!

Pushing the shopping cart around his classroom! He drives that thing like a crazy person - he must be gearing up for some extreme couponing!

Outside on the playground with the riding toy!

Painting! How fun! And we're definitely thinking he's a lefty!

Bubbles, and a, um, shovel?? His daily sheet said "Cohen found the shovels on the playground and carried them around the whole time!" Funny! :)

Cohen unexpectedly started school this week - about six weeks early. However, he's done SOOO well - we couldn't be more proud. He's been such a big boy eating his lunch every day and taking a nap on his nap mat. Can't believe how much he's growing - and growing up way too fast! A big THANK YOU to his sweet teachers for sending me pictures of him this week. He's definitely going to flourish in this program! :)

Fun at the pumpkin patch!

I like the look on Cohen's face: "and what exactly is this?!"

Love this picture...such a handsome young man!

Not quite sure what to think of the hay!

The family pic! Cohen trying to escape was the theme of the entire trip!


This may resemble a hug, but in fact it's a *I'm-not-going-to-let-you-get-down-until-we-get-a-good-picture-together* squeeze! :)

My two loves.

And, again, more love! Hehe!

A blur of Cohen - this is just about right these days - always on the go!

Oh boy!! There is mischief in that face!

Riding the luggage cart on our last day in DFW!

We went to DFW the first weekend of October to see Will's family and to take the boys to the pumpkin patch at the Dallas Arboretum. It was a TON of fun and we got some really great pictures! Melinda, I have to add a disclaimer - I got a great picture of Will and all three of the boys together, but I can't get it to upload correctly - I'll print you a copy and have it for you next time we see you! :)