Monday, January 21, 2013

Alamo Tot Sports

Cohen stretching with the soccer coach. He was hanging on to that ball, though, so no one would get it!

Practicing ball control! (Don't you just love his backwards hat? He insisted upon wearing it that way!)

Walking the balance beam! (Mom and Dad were impressed because typically balance beam ability isn't developed until kids are about 3 1/2 or 4 years old.)

Enough of that soccer business, let's give baseball a try!

Point, step, and throw!

He was trying to knock down the "tower" with his ball.

Being a good listener for his coach!
Time to practice that swing!

Great job!

Getting a baseball stamp for being a great participant for the day!

Goooo little sluggers! (Or in Cohen's words, "Go lil' fluggers!")

The worst part of the day...a bite! Who lets their kids bite these days?!? (Mommy side-note: I don't think I've ever been more furious at a child in my life (not mine, of course)...or another mom, for that matter - she didn't really do anything to try to stop it and she was standing right there!!! Needless to say, they were kindly asked to leave.)

On Sunday, Alamo Tot Sports (a program for kids 18 months to 5 years) were offering their free demo days to come out and try their sports classes. We signed Cohen up for both soccer and baseball (because when we asked him which one he wanted to do he couldn't decide). Soccer was first and Cohen was loving it! UNTIL the coach told C to go and "get the orange ball." C was simply following those directions when one of the other kids grabbed it at the same time and didn't like Cohen trying to take it, so that other kid bit the daylights out of Cohen's arm. After a wash with soap and water, an antiseptic wipe, and a Lightning McQueen stamp on his other arm, all was well again and he was back on the field.

Cohen's a natural when it comes to sports. He was impressing the coaches and some of the other parents yesterday - not to mention his own. We couldn't be more proud. At the end of the day, he decided he really preferred baseball (which his daddy was thrilled about!) and so he is going to join the Lil' Sluggers for the next 12 weeks and learn some of the fundamentals of baseball in an age-appropriate way. We look forward to enjoying this program and will definitely be posting more pictures (taken with the camera and not my iPhone), and maybe a video or two! Stay tuned! :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Random cuteness!

Cutest elephant I've ever seen!

Cohen wanted to go outside to see if he could see his "bref!"

This picture reminds me so much of my brother...when he was little he had a couple of hats like this that he called Mister Hats. I couldn't resist and so now, Cohen has a Mister Hat of his own! Funny guy!

Cohen's new big boy room!

Papa and Daddy setting up Cohen's new big boy bed!

Cohen wanting to help!

Cute boy!

Playing superheroes in his superhero bed!

Talking to his Daddy about the good guys!

All finished!

He's so proud of his new bed! if we could just get him to sleep all night in there without any parental company, we'd be winning! :)

We used old comic books to put on the letters of his name for his room.

Looks good, if I don't say so myself!

Sweet sleeping boy! Even superheroes have lovies, and this little hero still loves his monkey! (He doesn't use the pacifier part of it yet, but I can't bring myself to cut it just wouldn't be the same anymore!)

Papa made Cohen a bunk bed for Christmas and it's awesome! Cohen loves his new bed and bedroom. I'm not sure you can tell from the picture(s) but we did a combination of dinosaurs and superheroes because he really does love both of those things - and everything that goes with the two. He's all boy and he's growing so fast it seems like time is flying past Will and me both. Slow down, little one!

Christmas at GiGi's house!

Cohen (kind of) enjoying his happy meal...oh, who are we kidding? He doesn't enjoy anything unless it's goldfish and strawberries!

He was also very concerned with his Uncle Michael who was sitting in the direction of that stare you see...

Buzz Lightyear!! One of his favorites!

Opening "pesents!"

Daddy and Cohen being silly with his new superhero "lovies!"

We had fun at GiGi's house for Christmas! We can't wait to do it all over again next year! :)