Friday, January 28, 2011

My first trip to the ZOO!!

On our way to the zoo! I'm ready to go, Mommy!What is that crazy sound?!...
...that would be all the flamingos! (They were SO loud!)
Hmm...I think I'll play with my giraffe for a little bit...
What a happy guy! I love the zoo!
Lazy cheetahs!
My friend Trey and me taking a break!
There's a rhinoceros!
Worn out...
Two tired guys!

Mommy and her friend Tina took me and my friend (Tina's little boy) Trey to the San Antonio Zoo today! It was our first time to visit the zoo, and boy did we have fun! We saw lots of different animals - and we, well, didn't see lots of animals - it's not a great view from the seat of a stroller! We just had so much fun walking around with our mommies and by the end of the day, we had our bellies full (one pit-stop along the way), and our eyes closed! Talk about a good day! :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What nice weather we're having!

It was such a nice day today, that Mommy and I went outside to play with Wally and Clyde!This hat is great, but I sure could use some sunglasses!
Wally and Clyde playing ball...
Kisses from Wally!
We sure did enjoy the nice weather today! Unfortunately, it's not going to last very long. Looks like another cold and rainy weekend. Good thing we took advantage when we could! :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm 5 months old - and Mom's way behind! :)

Being a big boy sitting in the chair! I was having quite the conversation with my Daddy right before Mom snapped this picture...Practicing my yoga moves on the floor mat...(notice the blanket on the floor next to me - that's because I've discovered I can roll over and over and over again! What fun!)
Getting ready for bath-time! Silly goose!
These are just a few pictures of me hanging out! Mommy and Daddy have been working really hard to get the house unpacked, and they've promised that as soon as they do, they'll post some pictures of our new house! We are really loving it - I can't wait til I'm crawling so that I can really start exploring! :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Packing fun!

While Mommy and Daddy were packing this weekend, Daddy made us these silly hats!
Mommy and Wally had hats, too!
Silly guys!
Daddy and me in our paper hats!
Silly paper-hat family! (Daddy was looking to see if I was looking at the camera!)

Well, Mommy and Daddy have been working really hard to get the apartment all packed up so that we can move this weekend into our new house! Daddy took a break the other night and was so silly...he made us all hats, and we couldn't resist taking pictures of us in our paper hats! Needless to say, they still have some packing to do before Friday! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Just hanging out!

Mommy's being artsy with her camera, again!
But, again, who could resist that sweet smiling face?!
Well, in these pictures that Mommy took, I'm showing off my new trick - rolling over all by myself! I've been able to roll over for some time now, but now I think it's really fun - except when I get stuck and can't roll back over onto my back. That's okay, it will happen in due time! I'm still doing great! I've had sweet potatoes (they made my tummy hurt), sweet peas (they're pretty good), and today I started squash - and I LOVE squash! We're moving into our new house next weekend, just in time for me to turn 5 months old! I'm sure Mommy will take plenty of pictures, so stay tuned! :)