Sunday, April 24, 2011

I had a great first Easter!

I woke up in such a great mood on Easter morning!

The Easter Bunny came to see me and brought me a basket full of goodies!

I was such a ham today - every time I heard the "beep" of the camera, I looked up and smiled at Daddy!

EVERY time!

I was starting to feel like a model - flash - flash - flash - CHEESE!!

Finally, a somber moment - Mommy started showing me exactly what was in that big ol' basket!

I really wanted to read the Sesame Street book about the bubbles! I love Sesame Street!

I had such a wonderful first Easter. My Grammy was in town visiting, so that was a lot of fun, but then the infamous Easter Bunny came by my house and brought me an Easter basket full of lots of books and goodies! I hope everyone had as great a day as I did! :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm officially gettin' around!!

I'm caught! (He started out in the living room and crawled all the way over to the dining room table!)

I'm going to come get you, Mommy!

Nope, Daddy's going to get me!

First thing in the morning...this is my "hey, why the bright lights?" look! (Mommy note: he was SO mad that we turned on the overhead lights. He gave us a little baby-glare!)

This is at nap-time. I was supposed to be sleeping, but instead was standing up in my crib yelling!

Boy how things can change overnight! It was just this past Tuesday at Gymboree that Mommy was telling Tina that I was getting really close to crawling, but wasn't quite yet. And then, Wednesday afternoon, I figured it out. There will be video to come, it just seems that every time mom gets the video camera out, I decide I'm pretty comfortable where I am. I sure do love chasing our dogs, though! What fun! :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hoppy Easter, every-bunny! (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)

I got to see the Easter Bunny for my first Easter!

There's a little smile!

Hey, EB, what do you have over there?!

On our way home from the grocery store this past weekend, Mommy and Daddy stopped by and let me meet the Easter Bunny and have my picture taken with him. I was a little unsure, but decided maybe he wasn't very scary! They even got one picture of me (almost) smiling! Happy Easter to all! :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm 8 months old!

Mommy note: It needs to be pointed out that Cohen was in the office with me to begin with. Then this is what I saw first - just Wally...

And the next thing I know - Peek-a-boo! Hey, Mom!

Clyde got in the way of this one - he was on his way to see exactly what Cohen and Wally were up to!

I'm all over the place these days! I've learned how to go from my belly to sitting myself back up, and crawling is next! Look out world, here I come! :)

And, here's a video of the latest thing I've learned how to do:

Friday, April 8, 2011

My first time to have "grown-up" food!

And by "grown-up" food, I mean not mashed! When Grammy was down last weekend, mommy gave me my first try at whole food - banana - while Grammy recorded it! It was so yummy! Enjoy the video! :)
This is my new favorite thing...I love to tear paper!

This is my mischievous face!

Trying so hard to crawl...

This is one of my other favorite things...I love to swing! I really need a swingset in my own backyard! ;)

Just a swingin'!


 ...and forth!

I got a much needed haircut today! (4-8-11)

Just some random shots! Growing boy! :)

Playdate at my house!

This is my "mom's got the camera again" face...

And here it is again...mixed with oh, boy, I'm tired!

My friend Trey...also a tired guy!

My friends Trey and Ryan crawling all around the place!

And, here I am again...still just'a sittin' here!

Playing with my friends!

There's Ellie, too!

All four of us just hanging out and having fun!

Pretty Ellie... (I'm a lucky boy to have such a cute girlfriend!) hehe!

Cute babies!

Mommy and I hosted our first playdate at our new house. It was fun to hang out with my friends Trey, Ryan and Ellie! I can't wait til I can crawl to keep up with all of them. But, that's okay, I am the youngest of the group, and all of my friends' moms say, once I start, Mommy won't ever sit down again! :)