Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fun in the sun!

This is what we get into when Daddy's out of town! 

Hmm...this isn't so bad!

Hey, Mommy!

I'll get that camera one of these days!

Just'a clappin'!

Love those smiles!!

Daddy's out of town at the Texas Restaurant Association Expo, so Cohen and I decided we needed a "pool" of our own! Cohen got to splash and I got some sun and it was fun all around! :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cohen can walk!!

Last Saturday, June 18, 2011, I was sitting on the floor with Cohen in the living room of our house. He stood up next to me, and saw Clyde a-l-l the way over by the back door. Well, Cohen took off after Clyde - walking like he'd been doing it for ages! My chin hit the floor, and he hasn't stopped since. I tried all weekend to get a video of him walking, but was unsuccessful - until Monday evening. And no one worry, he does wear shoes - just not when we're at home. Putting shoes on Cohen is like putting shoes on a dog - it tends to inhibit his walking skills! His development never ceases to amaze us! Changes happen overnight and we're loving every minute of it! :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Playing with Daddy on Father's Day!

Cohen's first time to play in the sprinkler!

"I see you over there, Dad!"

Just hanging out with Daddy! Happy guys!

Now that Cohen is walking, this is the face we get when he sits down and no one will help him up...

Yay, Mommy to the rescue! All better - 'cause I'm standing again!

Getting tired of the water...time to dry off!

Cohen and I helped Will celebrate his first Father's Day! We had a yummy breakfast, and then I mowed the front yard so that he only had to do half of the yardwork! Hehe! Once that was all done, we cooled off in the sprinkler! We had a great day! :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cohen learns to walk!!

Hey, Mommy!

Oops, I crashed into the wall!

That's okay, I can get it! And I'm still smiling!

This picture looks like he's saying "Enough with the camera, already!" - he was actually waving at me, though!

Mommy note: I've decided to just start blogging from myself - instead of Cohen's perspective...

At 10 months old, Cohen is trying his hardest to learn how to walk! His daddy bought him the little push-cart and he has been on the go ever since! According to his Grammy, that's how I (Beth) learned to walk - pushing a little wooden cart around the house! We can't believe how much he changes every day! Enjoy! :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Silly Daddy!

I have a big blue ball from Gymboree that my Daddy calls "the Funk" - because it's kind of funky feeling... Well, he was tickling me the other night and Mommy caught it on camera! Enjoy! :)