Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Two Kent family pictures on the 4th of July!

I'm always impressed with my husband's ability to use anything and everything as a tripod or to take a family picture when no one else is there to snap the camera for us! Here are the latest two! Happy Independence Day! :)

Trip to Lubbock!

At the San Antonio airport waiting to board that plane that just pulled up! Cohen even made a friend! :)

On the airplane about to take off - just a little nervous!

Not even five minutes in the air and this is what I saw!

Finally to Granmum and Papa's house, we found the basket of toys AND a harmonica!

Starting to get a little tired and ready for bed!

Saturday at the family get-together, Madeleine found a horny toad and Cohen got to touch it!

Cool guy in his shades and lifejacket!

Swimming with momma and Uncle Michael!

Talking to Zoe and having fun splashing!

Jumping the bouncy-house with Emily!

Jump, jump!

Coming in to play ball with Madeleine!

Talkin' about something important!

We got to go to Lubbock a couple of weekends ago to see all of the my dad's side of the family! It was a lot of fun, and filled with plenty of firsts - including our first airplane ride! Cohen had a blast and did great flying! He really had fun at Granmum and Papa's house, too! And, boy did he sleep good the Sunday that we got back! :)

Baking cookies!

Helping mom roll out the dough!

Telling Daddy "sticky!"

I don't really remember what he was saying here, but I'm sure it was funny! :)

Shoot! - closed eyes! Oh well, he's still cute!

Papa came to see us for a Father's Day dinner and Cohen and I made dinosaur cookies for him! Yum-yum!

Cohen's first trip to Morgan's Wonderland!

Climbing on the playscape!

"Momma, come."

Riding on the choo-choo train!

Diggin' in the sand!

Playing at the giant water table!

Riding on the carousel (and quickly fading - hence the paci in his mouth - it was getting close to nap!)

One last swing before we go...

Asleep before we even got out of the parking lot! Tired guy!

Morgan's Wonderland is a, well, amusement park, for lack of a better term, in San Antonio. It was specially designed for children (and adults) with disabilities to be able to come and have fun on typical amusement park and playground-type equipment without feeling left out or being unable to participate. It's perfect for little ones too, because of the ease of use throughout the park. Cohen had a really great time (and we've actually been twice now, I'm just slow at posting pictures!) :)