Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

Opening presents from Mom and Dad!

Daddy helping Cohen with his new guitar!

Cohen got some new Crocs!

That's a proud boy! (He LOVES Crocs, by the way!)

Showing off his big boy underwear! Let the potty-training commence!

Christmas morning...checking out what Santa Claus brought him!

"Robot dinosaurs!"

Daddy showing Cohen how the giant T-Rex works!

And Mommy showing Cohen how the Triceratops works...

...oops, we shot the cameraman with the arrow!

And here is the moment where things went a little stray...we went from cute reindeer pajamas...

...to Naked Christmas in a matter of a couple of minutes. Will and I still can't figure out exactly why!

"A hero Tervis!" (side-note, Mommy LOVES Tervis cups...they don't sweat and they keep your drinks nice and cold!)

Checking out his stocking!

His daddy asked him where that gift card was from and he yelled, "Cracker Barrel!!"

Playing dinosaurs with Mommy!

Dressing up as Captain America...for roughly 94 seconds!

Uncle Michael came over to bring Cohen his Christmas presents!



So excited about Thor that he didn't put him down to see what else he got!
We all had a very merry Christmas! Cohen was spoiled (surprise, surprise) and we feel very blessed to have had such a great day with him! We hope your Christmas was just as special! :)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Cohen learning to ride his tricycle!

Christmas with Mimmy and the boys!

Jaxson helping Cohen open his first present from Mimmy and the boys!

He's got it down!

Telling his daddy all about what he thinks is in that box!

Helping daddy open one of his presents!

Mimmy and the boys got Cohen his first tricycle for Christmas, so the next morning, he went out for a ride while his cousin was skateboarding!

Lookin' good!

Going down the hill is pretty easy...Will wasn't having to help him a whole lot here.

And then he figured it out!!

Coming back up the hill, however, was a different story!

Christmas at Papa's house!

Cohen sitting with Ginger while Cowboy scratches his rump on the chair. He's so rude!

Papa and Cohen enjoyed a special dessert - chocolate reindeer cupcakes! Yummy!

I like this one...it looks like Cohen's looking over at Papa thinking, "Are you going to eat yours?!"

Icing mustache!

Talking to the dogs through the door! "Hi, Cowboy!"

Present time!

Reading his new Llama, Llama books!

Look at that face! That is some serious present un-wrapping!

A Mr. Potato Head Family! Cool!
We had fun at Papa's house for Christmas! Cohen got some really great books and the Potato Head family, but Papa also built him an AWESOME bunk bed. Blog post to come...

Family Pictures 2012

We had a family photo shoot in late October that I've been keeping under wraps because several of them were Christmas gifts! If you'd like any of these printed, please feel free. These are the shots we have the photographer's rights to. She did a good job, considering her main focus was a grumpy toddler! We think he's cute even when he's grumpy, but we're sort of partial... :)