Monday, November 29, 2010

My first cereal experience...

What is this?! I don't think I like it...Oh, Daddy, please make her stop! I just want my bottle!
Mommy gave me my first taste of cereal last night. I didn't really care for it all that much. However, I did end up eating the entire bowl. (Only about a 1/2 Tbsp. of cereal!) We're going to keep trying, and then in a couple of weeks, they say I'll get to start trying some fruits and veggies!

Lovin' the holidays!

I spent my first Thanksgiving in Victoria at Gram and PePaw's house. My Mimmy and cousins Jeffery and Jaxson were there, too! We had a lot of fun, and it looked like everyone ate some really good food!Mommy and me in our turkey shirts!
The whole fam...we were on our way out of town, and I was working on a scream-fest when this picture was taken. At the end of the day, I was just so tired!
Back at home, I just can't get enough of the little singing puppy dog Mimmy bought me. He is so funny! Plus, he's easy to look at when I'm getting in some tummy time!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Getting ready for my first Christmas!

My very first Christmas tree! It may be small, and (Mommy's sad because it doesn't have her "special" ornaments on it), but it's special to me 'cause it's my first! :)This is the first time I saw the tree. I was amazed!
Just taking it all in!
Wait, let me get another look...
Daddy, are ALL of those presents for me?!
Being silly, laughing at Mommy!
I just love this! I can't wait til Santa comes to see me!

Even though it's not even Thanksgiving yet, Mommy and Daddy put up and decorated (a smaller, apartment-friendly version) Christmas tree today! It's just beautiful. Every time I catch a glimpse of it, I just have to stare for a minute or two. I may not understand the whole idea of Christmas quite yet, but I still think it's all pretty cool!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

3 months old!!

Mommy says I sit like my Daddy...always have to have my feet on something!Using my feet to rattle that hippo!
I'm so intrigued!
Me and Daddy reading...I love to be read to!

Hello, everyone! I'm officially 3 months old! Mom and Dad say they can hardly believe it. I'm developing and changing (what seems like) a little bit every day. I've learned how to roll over back-to-front. While on my belly, I can lift my head up until I'm at a 90-degree angle. I'm visually tracking left-to-right and up-and-down, and I am beginning to tolerate a little bit more tummy-time. Maybe I will crawl after all! I sure am looking forward to my first Thanksgiving next week! Until next time...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I was trying so hard to stay awake and watch the baseball game with Daddy...I just couldn't do it!Like my new overalls?!
Here I am, just hanging out in my crib!
Daddy says that this picture looks like I'm saying: "Yep...check out these guns!" It looks like he's checking out his muscles! :)
It's getting pretty chilly in the mornings, but Mommy still wants to be able to go walking outside, so she bought me this cool cap with matching mittens - cute little owl!
Starting to wake up after our jog!
Explanation for this pic below...
Alright, this is the result of two separate events...let Mommy explain...

Monday night, November 1, I had an audition to join the San Antonio Choral Society. I made sure Cohen was set with Will - bottles made, plenty of diapers, etc. I left, went to my audition, and then I made it and was asked to stay that night for rehearsal. I called Will to let him know, and he seemed to think he could handle it. Well, Cohen fell asleep shortly after I left and wouldn't wake up - not even for his bath. Will still put him in the tub, but couldn't shampoo him because he was having to hang on to him - so he just got his hair wet. Will dried him off and tried to brush Cohen's hair, but ended up brushing it the wrong direction, went back and tried to fix it, and this is the end result - MAJOR stick-up hair!

The poor guy got the scratch on his face overnight so I had to trim his fingernails the next morning, and (OMG, I can't believe I did this), I clipped one of them too short, hence the band-aid. Poor baby...not only was he crying, but I was too! I felt terrible, but luckily, Will was still home and he got us all fixed up! Needless to say, Cohen looks like he had a rabid possum in his crib with him last night! No need to call the authorities...I promise we're good parents! :)

Halloween 2010

Mommy surprised Daddy with pictures of me and her for his birthday! He was so excited!
Here is Daddy and Jeffery's birthday cake - a cool haunted house! Too bad I didn't get to have any of it!
Mommy and me taking Jeffery and Jaxson around The Alamo.
Outside the Alamo, learning all about it!
Jeffery and Jaxson got cool old timey muskets! Daddy said maybe I could have one when I get a little bigger!
Here are my cousins all dressed up for Halloween - a SWAT Member and Anakin Skywalker!
What a good-lookin' family!
Here we all are at Fright Fest at Fiesta Texas!
Cute little giraffe - with the bluest eyes!
Almost a smile...
For Halloween weekend, my Mimmy and cousins Jeffery and Jaxson came down to see us! We took them down to the Riverwalk for lunch at Rainforest Cafe', and then we went and toured The Alamo. It was pretty fun, and Mommy and Daddy kept telling me how good I was being all day long! That evening, we all put on our costumes and went to Fiesta Texas Fright Fest. Jeffery, Jaxson, and Daddy stayed all night, but Mommy, Mimmy and me went home. It was just too much going on, plus it was my bedtime! I sure did have fun with them here in San Antonio with me!