Sunday, September 18, 2011

13 months old!

Cohen and Daddy playing with homemade play-dough!

Trying to figure out if it's okay to touch with his hands...

 Oh, yeah! This stuff is pretty neat!

Swinging on his new's almost still too hot to swing!

Can't go anywhere these days without a wubba!

Just a swingin'!

Caught in his "chair" - aka the $100 Nap Nanny that we bought for him when he was an infant - only supposed to be used through 6 months.

Oh, man...she caught me!

Cheesin' for the camera - in his recliner!

The next few pictures are of what has turned out to be the worst weekend of parenthood for Will and myself since Cohen was born. He has a terrible stomach bug that has created one of the worst diaper rashes the pediatrician has ever seen. Below, you'll see that we have fashioned him a loin-cloth out of a cloth diaper so that he can "air out!" Bless his heart...

Checking on his dog.

Trying to offer Clyde some of his Pedialyte popsicle - through the glass!

Being silly!

Hope you've enjoyed the latest pictures! He sure is growing fast! Now if we can just get over the stomach bug and get his hiney to heal up, all will be well again in the Kent household! :)