Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas in Lubbock!

Just woke up on Christmas morning - in my reindeer pajamas!Snuggling and talking with Daddy before we headed to Granmum and Papa's house!
Trying to get a burp, but being REALLY silly!
Admiring the windchimes at Granmum and Papa's house!
Mommy was being artsy with her camera! (But who could resist that face?!)
Cousin Madeleine talking to me while I bounced...
Chatting with PePaw!
PePaw, Papa and me! (My grandfather and great-grandfather!)
Mommy showing me my new Santa Claus! Can't wait til next year so we can get him out of the box and listen to him play his song!
Hmm, Uncle Michael, I don't think Mommy would like it very much if you gave me a coke!
Just talking to Granmum!
On our way home...stretching out in the backseat on a pit-stop, hanging out with Elmer!

Wow, what a WONDERFUL first Christmas! I had a great time in Lubbock, and I was such a good boy! The car ride wasn't my favorite, but all in all, I did pretty good. I got to meet some really neat people, and I got to see some family that I don't get to see that often! I'm a pretty happy camper, and I just love all the gifts everyone gave me - it was so nice!

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