Tuesday, August 2, 2011

1st birthday photo shoot!

A close-up of our handsome birthday boy!


And a family shot!

We did Cohen's 1st birthday pictures tonight so that we could have some printed and ready for his birthday party (not to mention that all of his grandmothers and great-grandmothers needed an up-to-date picture of him!) It was definitely a HUGE challenge to try to photograph this child because he was constantly on the go! He didn't want to smile much, so we had to settle for what we got - which is these three pictures! Ha! Ah, the joys of having a VERY busy little boy! :)


  1. Well, at least you got 3 GREAT ones!! Did you make his shirt? It looks great!!

  2. Barbara, I did make his shirt - and mom made his seersucker shorts, but you can't see them in any of the shots - they're all too close-up!
