Sunday, May 1, 2011

Trip to Fort Worth!

Sitting with my Mimmy - thinking to myself, I'd sure like to get down and go play!

What fun!

Mommy and Daddy took me swimming at the hotel! It was my first time!

Fun in the pool with Daddy - but at this point, I was fading fast! Nap-time, please!

Someday I'm going to get my Mom for this!!

Naked as a jay-bird in the hotel room!

My cousin Jeffery had a baseball game, so we went to Fort Worth to see him play! His team won and it was a lot of fun to watch! I had a good time at the hotel, and was a VERY well-behaved young man the entire weekend! :)


  1. Thanks, girl! I've lost almost 8 lbs. on WW! It's great! :) Not only that, that he's on the move, I almost never sit down during the day! haha!
